  1. Empath

Track #11 - Yeoman on the Bridge
Leslie Hudson - piano, vocals, songwriter
John Cooperider - bass

Telepaths of many kinds are mainstays of all Trek series. I may still laugh at some of Deanna’s silliest lines, but often the struggle is real. Imagine never being alone in your own mind.


I’m an empath
I can feel you wondering
How life looks from this side of my eyes
It’s a hard path
To be given access to your truth
When you’d rather share lies

Your heart is an ocean
Your mind an expanse
A map I can follow without a glance
No, I can’t shut you out
Even when I try to be lonely
An empath am I

There are moments
Sometimes they are fracturing
Like shards of a mirror in my thoughts
There are torrents
That rain down a river to drown me
But I have been well taught

Your heart is an ocean
Your mind an expanse
A map I can follow without a glance
No, I can’t shut you out
Even when I try to be lonely
An empath am I

It’s never just me in my head
There are days when I’d rather be you instead
With only one shadow
An island in space
And only the mask you choose for your face

In a heartbeat
I can feel epiphany when you do
And that can be magic
On a downbeat
I can feel my light lost when you do
And that can be tragic

Your heart is an ocean
Your mind an expanse
A map I can follow without a glance
No, I can’t shut you out
Even when I try to be lonely
An empath am I

No, I can’t shut you out
Even when I try to be lonely
An empath am I