One day what remained of a woman's consciousness followed me home from a walk in the cemetery. For a while she camped out in my basement, waiting, watching me from the windows when I was in the garden, hiding around corners so I'd walk into her. She didn't want help; she only wanted someone to be just as miserable as she was.

I'll be ever grateful she came to stay and moreso that she didn't stay long. My house wasn't big enough for the both of us.

Leslie Hudson: piano, lead vocals, BGV
Steve Macdonald: Taylor guitars (Fiona & Tristan)
Sabine Kinder: BGV
Michael Kinder: BGV


She had mud caked to the hem of her dress
It was wet
Her boots squelched through it
As she dragged it thick ‘cross my kitchen floor
Every step was deliberate

Her long coat was thin like she’d worn it in spring
It was frayed
It had rained and rained
Back when she had walked on her final day
Her wild hair framed a face that wasn’t there

She followed me home from the cemetery
She watched me sleep
She was the basement creak
She was the woman in the window with the cavernous stare
Round every corner she was everywhere

She was rage and wrath and so dispossessed
Holding fast to the body she’d left
When she stared me down she leaned into it
And what she said to me I will never forget

She said, you can see me
And you can hear me
And if you can see and hear me then you know
I didn’t die willingly
I didn’t die willingly

She followed me home from the cemetery
She watched me sleep
She was the basement creak
She was the woman in the window with the cavernous stare
Round every corner she was everywhere

When I looked into her hollowed out eyes
I saw the tear
I saw the sticks in her hair
I heard a voice say
You can sever all ties and solve the crime
Make your vengeance mine

I said, I can see you
And I can feel you
But I can’t undo what’s been done to you
And I can’t do what you ask me to
I can’t do what you’re asking me to do

She followed me home from the cemetery
She watched me sleep
She was the basement creak
She was the woman in the window with the cavernous stare
Round every corner she was everywhere

She followed me home
She watched me sleep
She was the basement creak
She was the woman in the window with the cavernous stare
Round every corner she was everywhere
Round every corner she was everywhere

She followed me home
She followed me home
I can see you
But I can’t help you