  1. Dusk Love Song

From the recording 12 Months a Year

For 2 evenings in a row I watched the sunset turn to dusk and wrote. Those 20 minutes or so are my favourite part of every night/day cycle. My synaesthetic brain went to work, wrapping phrasing to finish a thought with switch-back patterns, against the sonic play of lavender grey and layers of gold.


Dusk is a purple light
that hangs like a chord that won't
resolve until all of time
dissolves away
resolves to stay still

Love is a fragment of the
whole like the pattern of the
scars that have crissed and crossed
the part of this
the scars have missed yet

Song is a temporary
spell like a touch that cannot
last but it reaches from
the past to hold
the last it told us

Tangerine and lemon creme
All the colours left to dream
Grey as doves and lilac gloves
These are February's loves